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How does Virtual Tourism work?

7th March 2023

A woman using a VR headset experiencing a virtual tour created by education evolved. She is surrounded by connected points showing how the world can be connected through virtual tourism.

What is Virtual Tourism?

Virtual tourism is a relatively new form of tourism that allows individuals to explore destinations and experiences in a digital format. Through the use of technology, virtual tourism aims to provide a similar level of immersion and engagement as traditional travel, but without the need for physical presence or the cost for airfare and accommodation.

One of the primary technologies used in virtual tourism is virtual reality (VR) and 360° imaging. VR is an immersive technology that allows users to interact with a digital environment in a way that feels real. By wearing a VR headset, users can explore virtual destinations as if they were actually there, moving their head to look around and using controllers to interact with the environment. According to a report by Statista, the global VR market reached $12 billion in 2022, highlighting the growing popularity of VR technology.

Another technology used in virtual tourism is 360-degree cameras. These cameras are able to capture images in all directions, allowing users to explore locations in a panoramic format. This technology is particularly useful for creating virtual tours of locations such as museums, galleries, and historic sites. According to a report by Global Industry Analytics, Inc., the global market for 360-degree cameras is expected to reach $2.2 billion by 2026.

In addition to VR and 360-degree cameras, other technologies are also used in virtual tourism. These include augmented reality (AR), which overlays digital information onto the real world, and artificial intelligence (AI), which can help to personalise virtual tourism experiences based on user preferences.

An Image of a person using a laptop while seated with a coffee cup next to them. There is a illustrated overlay of people communicating and engaging from around the world.

Virtual tourism experiences can take a variety of forms, including virtual tours of destinations, live-streamed events and performances, and interactive digital educational experiences on location. These experiences can be accessed through a range of platforms, including websites, mobile apps, and VR headsets.

Virtual tourism can offer a range of benefits to travellers, including accessibility, affordability, and convenience. By providing a digital alternative to traditional travel, virtual tourism can allow individuals who might not otherwise have the opportunity to explore new destinations and cultures. According to a report by Statista, the global virtual tourism market is expected to reach over $24 billion by 2027, highlighting the growing demand for this form of travel.

Through the use of technology, virtual tourism aims to provide a similar level of immersion and engagement as traditional travel, but without the need for physical presence or the cost for airfare and accommodation.

— Joshua Wunder

A man who is standing on a rock overlooking a beautiful valley. An example of traditional tourism that could also be virtual tourism.

Virtual Tourism at Education Evolved

( for schools and universities in which students can experience sights across the world from their classrooms and lecture theatres. The goal of our education experiences is to increase student engagement with course material, promote multiculturalism, teach digital competencies, and increase student awareness of the global society they live within and encourage future travel for educational purposes. We believe that virtual tourism, especially paired with educational benefits, can change learning for the better.

Virtual tourism can offer a range of benefits to travellers, including accessibility, affordability, and convenience.

— Joshua Wunder

Multi-colored office supplies positioned in a decorative display on a contrasting, multi-coloured background.

In conclusion, virtual tourism is a rapidly growing form of travel that uses technology to provide digital alternatives to traditional travel. With the use of technologies such as virtual reality and 360-degree cameras, virtual tourism aims to provide an immersive and engaging experience that can be accessed from anywhere in the world. With what we do at Education Evolved, we hope to utilise virtual tourism and give it an educational twist, thus encouraging future travel and increase of global awareness. As the market for virtual tourism continues to grow, it is likely that we will see an increasing number of innovative and exciting virtual travel experiences becoming available to travellers.

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