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FAQs on Virtual Tourism

19th April 2023

2 People wearing VR Headsets and playing with controllers

What are the different technologies used in virtual tourism?

Virtual tourism relies on a variety of technologies to create immersive digital experiences. Some of the most common technologies used in virtual tourism include:

Virtual reality (VR): VR technology allows users to experience a simulated environment that can be interacted with in a three-dimensional space. Users typically wear a headset that tracks their movements and displays a digital environment that responds to their actions. Virtual reality can be particularly effective for exploring remote or inaccessible locations, and can also be used to simulate historical or cultural experiences.

360-degree cameras: 360-degree cameras capture images from all directions, allowing users to explore a location in a fully immersive way. The images can be stitched together to create a virtual tour that users can navigate and interact with. 360-degree cameras are particularly useful for providing an immersive experience of a location, and can be used to give viewers a sense of what it might be like to physically be in that space.

Augmented reality (AR): AR technology overlays digital information on top of the real world. This can be used to create virtual tours that enhance the user's experience of a real-world location by adding information and interactive elements. For example, AR might be used to provide historical context for a location or to highlight important landmarks.

Live streaming: Live streaming technology allows users to view real-time video feeds of a location or event, giving them a sense of being present at the location. Live streaming can be particularly effective for providing users with a sense of "being there" for important events, such as concerts or sports games.

A man happily playing with a vr headset in an action pose

How are virtual tours created?

Here are the general steps involved in creating a virtual tour:

Photography or video capture: The first step in creating a virtual tour is to capture images or video of the location. This can be done using a 360-degree camera, traditional cameras, or drones.

“Virtual tours are typically created using a combination of photography, video, and software. ”

Image processing and stitching: The images or video are then processed and stitched together using software to create a seamless, panoramic view of the location.

User interface design: The virtual tour interface is designed to provide an intuitive and easy-to-use way for users to explore the location. This might include navigation tools, informational overlays, and interactive elements.

Integration with other technologies: Virtual tours can be integrated with other technologies like virtual reality or augmented reality to enhance the user experience.

A woman sitting down on her sofa. She is on the smiling whilst on a call and using her laptop

What are the benefits of using virtual reality in virtual tourism?

VR technology is particularly well-suited to virtual tourism because it allows users to feel like they are physically present in a location, even if they are not actually there. Some of the benefits of using virtual reality in virtual tourism include:

Immersive experiences: Virtual reality technology can create fully immersive experiences that make users feel like they are actually in a location. This can be particularly useful for locations that are difficult or expensive to access in person.

Accessibility: Virtual reality technology can make virtual tourism accessible to individuals who might not be able to travel due to physical or financial limitations.

Cost savings: Virtual reality technology can be used to preview locations before committing to an in-person visit, potentially saving users time and money.

Educational value: Virtual reality technology can be used to create educational experiences that teach users about different cultures, history, and geography.

An illustration of people picking berries off of a bush

How do virtual tourism experiences differ from traditional travel experiences?

Virtual tourism experiences offer a different kind of travel experience than traditional travel. While traditional travel allows for physical immersion in a location, virtual tourism provides an immersive digital experience. Here are some of the key differences between virtual tourism experiences and traditional travel experiences:

Physical presence: With traditional travel, the traveler is physically present in the location. This allows for direct interaction with the location and the people and culture of that location. Virtual tourism, on the other hand, relies on digital technology to simulate the experience of being in a location.

Accessibility: Virtual tourism can make travel accessible to individuals who might not be able to travel in person, due to financial or physical limitations. It can also provide a way to preview a location before committing to an in-person visit.

Interactivity: Virtual tourism experiences can be interactive, allowing users to explore a location in different ways and to interact with digital elements within the experience. Traditional travel, on the other hand, offers a more direct and tangible interaction with a location.

Environmental impact: Virtual tourism experiences do not have the same environmental impact as traditional travel, which can be a consideration for travellers who are concerned about sustainability and carbon footprints.

A country side image. There is a tree with 3 small cabins

In conclusion, virtual tourism offers a range of opportunities for travellers to explore the world in new and innovative ways. From virtual reality to 360-degree cameras, there are a variety of technologies that are used to create immersive digital experiences. Virtual tourism experiences can differ from traditional travel experiences in terms of physical presence, accessibility, interactivity, and environmental impact, but they can also offer unique benefits and opportunities for learning and exploration.

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