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Turning on WebGL

Enable WebGL for Chrome

Go to Chrome's Preferences page or type the link "chrome://settings" into your browser window


Navigate to the Experiments page by typing the link "chrome://flags" into your browser


Restart Chrome for settings to take effect


If you do not see "Hardware accelerated" check the Problems Detected section for information as to why. Enter the details into Google - this will provide more info for how to fix the issue

Enable WebGL for Safari

Go to Safari's Preferences page


Select the "Develop" menu dropdown, then select "Experimental Features" and make sure "WebGL" is checked:


Enable WebGL for Firefox

Enable WebGL by navigating to the "about:config" URL


Now let's check to make sure WebGL is working - navigate to the "about:support" URL


If you see something like "Blocked for your graphics card because of unresolved driver issues", then there is an issue with your graphics card specifically which you can Google to solve.

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