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SEvEN: Seven Voices, One Future



    • W - Forward

      S - Backward

      D - Right

      A - Left

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    • Mouse - Camera/Look

      E - Interact with object

      Q - Drop item

      Right Click - Deposit item

      R - On/Off Bicycle

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    The Inspiration of the Project

    Our game, SEvEN: Seven Voices, One Future, highlights Minoritised Ethnic people’s voices and the importance of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) on the sustainable futures of Scotland.

    SEvEN is co-created by the University of Glasgow (Urban Studies, Games and Gaming Lab), Education Evolved Ltd., Ethnic Minority Environmental Network, and the Floating Designer.

    We are incredibly proud of this academic-industry-community partnership, which underpinned every step of the development of SEvEN. The game was inspired by a shared sense of urgency to highlight Minoritised Ethnic people’s perspectives and the importance of Traditional Ecological Knowledge on Scotland’s sustainable future. These perspectives are often missing in the public and media discourse around Net Zero targets and decarbonising industries.

    The game serves as a creative way to invite people across Scotland, and beyond, to reflect on what a sustainable future truly means and for whom.

    We are passionate about amplifying the voices and actions within Scotland's Minoritised Ethnic communities. The authentic and genuine representation of real people and communities was central to the design of the game.

    As a player, you will be immersed in a virtual recreation of the Western Scottish Highlands, set in 2045. You will discover seven narratives about Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and real-life climate actions led by Minoritised Ethnic-led organisations and initiatives. The seven characters you'll meet are all voiced by and created in the likeness of real Minoritised Ethnic people across Scotland.

    Seven Dialogue Screenshot

    How we brought it all together

    SEvEN is co-created by the University of Glasgow (Urban Studies, Games and Gaming Lab), Education Evolved Ltd., Ethnic Minority Environmental Network, and the Floating Designer.

    What the goals were

    The project acts as "demontrator of innovation" to promote ways of University and academics, particularly in social sciences and arts and humanities (SHAPE), to accelerate innovation and engage with industry and community organisations through game development.

    Seven Landscape Screenshot

    What the hoped impact is

    What INASSEM managed to achieve in 8 months time exceeded all expectations. Our innovation journey would not have been possible without the support, kindness, the value of knowledge production across sectors and disciplines, beyond academia, with all project partners. We want to thank every individual involved in the project and supported our game.

    In particular, we want to thank:

    • Dr Matthew Leeper and Sumeet Gurung (Education Evolved Ltd.) who led the game development, technical design, and ideation workshops

    • Aekus Kamboj and Andrew Williams (EMEN) who provided expertise in TEK and knowledge and leadership in climate actions among Minoritised Ethnic communities in Scotland

    • The Floating Designer (Sarah Ahmad) who did illustrations for the game and graphic recording for the ideation workshops

    • Thanks are also due to the INASSEM project team: Principal Investigator, Dr. Mark Wong, Co-nvestigators, Dr. Tim Peacock and Dr. Helen Mullen, and Research Assistants Rachel Porteous and Lauren Watson

    • Michael Gray for his support and believing in the project from day one, and support from Chiara Cipollari, the Aspect’s Games Hub, the University of Glasgow College of Social Science and College of Arts

    • We also thank all participants of the ideation workshop, who created the ideas that were key to the foundation and concept of this game

    Who funded it

    The project is funded by the Aspect Network's Innovation Fellowship, with funds from Research England, and the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account grant.

    Features Overview

    SEvEN Real Scottish Landscape

    Real Geography of Scotland

    We used innovative technology to lift a part of the real Scottish Highlands and drop them right into the game. When you play, you are playing IN Scotland.

    SEvEN Character

    Hear the experiences of real people

    Throughout playing SEvEN you will hear from seven people from minoritised ethnic communities from around Glasgow about how they are contributing and working towards accomplishing Netzero by 2045 by combining technology and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK).

    SEvEN Real Scottish Landscape

    Learn about Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) through play

    By playing the seven minigames, you learn how Traditional Ecological Knowledge paired with modern technology can help Scotland reach Netzero by 2045.

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